vrijdag 9 september 2011

Lawful Banking

Lawful Banking was sparked by the Lawful Rebellion movement, with emphasis on "lawful". Even though the British Constitution was written to protect Baron interests, article 61 gives the people the right to lawfully rebel against a corrupt system. And a banking system creating money out of thin air is corrupt. Banking cartels owning and controlling governments, legal systems, media, corporations, health care industry, the military-industrial complex, everything, are corrupt. Earth's resources have been arrogated and appropriated and are used to control the people. Grassroots movements have either been infiltrated and hijacked, or seeded from scratch by the corrupt system. Individuals desiring to live off the grid are harassed and even arrested. And it all happened and happens without our consent. A corrupt system, down to its bare bones.

The Lawful Bank provides a gateway to ‘The Alternative Monetary System’ (TAMS) - a new and independent monetary and banking system owned and controlled by its users/members. The objective of TAMS is to take back control of the money supply for the benefit of the people of the nations that choose to use it ... and by so doing, reassert the sovereign right of the people to self-governance - for a nation cannot truly govern itself unless it is in full control of the means by which its money is created. ~ Lawful Bank

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