Sustainable Capitalism
Today orthodox economics is reputedly being harnessed to an entirely new end: saving the planet from the ecological destruction wrought by capitalist expansion. It promises to accomplish this through the further expansion of capitalism itself, cleared of its excesses and excrescences. A growing army of self-styled “sustainable developers” argues that there is no contradiction between the unlimited accumulation of capital — the credo of economic liberalism from Adam Smith to the present — and the preservation of the earth. The system can continue to expand by creating a new “sustainable capitalism,” bringing the efficiency of the market to bear on nature and its reproduction. In reality, these visions amount to little more than a renewed strategy for profiting on planetary destruction. ~ John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark
About this blog
This blog is all about response ability in the case of environmental or man-made disasters, which are not only becoming more likely every day, but appear to be happening right now, if not already happened for you and your loved ones.
Something I don’t want to do is make anyone afraid. Fear isn’t useful, except as signal that something might be or is threatening our survival. It requires our attention for further verification and validation. If valid and verified, don’t prepare out of a sense of fear or panic. Do it from a positive, forward looking philosophy. Preparedness is neither a simple kit nor a Big Plan Up Front. It’s a mind set. Mostly, just get your survival development going and your mind-set together. Roleplay some test runs (with your family). Then get on with your life, without too many distractions and fear. You have done all you can for your self and your loved ones. This generation.
Now what about life on this planet and the next seven generations?
The monster that we have let grow and that keeps our planet in its grip is the Planetary Work Machine. If we want to transform our spaceship into an agreeable place again, we've got to dismantle this Machine, to repair the damage it has done and to come to some basic agreements on a new start. So our first questions must be: How does the Planetary Work-Machine manage to control us? How is it organized? What are its mechanisms and how can they be destroyed? ~ ibu
- Herbert York: Race To Oblivion
- Frederick Mann: The Anatomy of Slavespeak
- The Earth plus 5%
- Banks Lie
Military-industrial-complex, anonymous, planetary work machine, control, organisation, banking system, usury, zero-sum games
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